Friday, April 18, 2008

Relay News

Thanks to everyone who has donated to our Relay for Life Team! We are so excited! A special thanks also to Smyrna Elementary for all of the great fund-raisers they have scheduled for the next couple of weeks! We love our Smyrna family!

In other Relay news, the Purple Monkeys and the Rubber Duckies - the teams dedicated to the memory of our friend Michael McKinney - will be having a family fun day tomorrow at the Newport Park. They will be having games, a silent auction, a bake sale, hot dogs and raffle items..... Too much fun! Please come out and support our friends! Eden & Jacy also have a softball game in Newport tomorrow, so that worked out just perfectly!

Colby Byrd will also be cutting the ribbon for the Survivor Lap at the Opening Ceremonies of the Columbus County Relay for Life this weekend! Colby has been battling leukemia for 5 years this month! He is a trooper and will continue to do his "hard" weekly chemo trips through the end of May. Then, another 2 years..... Please pray for Colby and his family! They are tired..... very tired....

As for Grant, today is day 4 of the steroids! One more day to go! Its been a long week! Grant has had a rough time staying at school, so he has been home most of the week. Let me just say again, its been a long week! Tomorrow night cannot come soon enough!


stephanie howard said...

Well tomorrow has come and gone! I hope this week is better for Grant, and the whole family. Steroids are not fun in anyway! They are amazing to have in time of need, but if your kids are like mine they are flying off the handle when they are on them, then end up with a nasty cold when they get off them. Joel is on one as we speak, that is why I am commenting on your blog at 9:00am, Sunday morning. Home with sick ones:-)

Wendi said...

Yay! The "Dex Week" is over! I hope Grant is feeling much better now and he is in a good mood. I hope Mama Emily has survived "Dex week" too!
I am so excited about your fundraising and Relay for Life Team. Are you selling purple ribbons or anything else that we may purchase from here? Is it better to just go to the website and make a donation?
God bless you Nelson family!