Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Home from UNC

We're home from our monthly trip to UNC. Grant did his normal spinal tap, IT Methotrexate, Vincristine push, and started his 5 days of the Dex. We had a good day at the clinic and saw our friend John and his mom. There were several new kids at the clinic today, and that's always hard to see. Jane visited with us for the last time this semester. We look forward to seeing her again when school starts back up in the fall.

Grants counts were very consistent with our previous trips. His ANC was 1.3, so we still need to keep a close watch on fevers and contagious friends and family! His hemoglobin was up to 12, so he is completely normal in that respect! You can tell just by looking at him that he is feeling better and even has his tan back!

Thanks to Aunt Leah and her family for letting us stay over last night! We love to crash with the Steelmans! ----- and we love the Steelmans!


leah said...

We love the Nelsons! It was great seeing you guys. :) I'm already counting down the days till we get to do it again. :)

Kristi McKinney said...

Glad to hear that you guys had a good trip. How is John and family doing? I think about him often - he and his family are in my thoughts and prayers. Do they have a caringbridge page or a blog?

Take care,
Kristi :)

Emily said...


John is doing well. He is having his port replaced today and will start 6 rounds of radition later this week. He evidently has already transplanted. He was a funny guy yesterday at the clinic and was telling everyone that he was a pirate. He is getting ready for prom.

Mama spoke with his mom yesterday. She asked about you and Michael. She didn't know that he had passed away. She was very sad and said how much she loved spending time with you at the hospital.

We were expecting the see Colby this month, but he wasn't there yesterday. Colby should be nearing the end of his 1st year since replapse. We saw him last month and I even called Hope, but haven't heard from her in a while. I hope that he is still doing good.

We haven't seen Timmy Baker in a while, so we are wondering how he is doing. He is the senior from East Wake. We continue to pray for all of our "boys".

We keep praying for you guys too.

I loved Michael's marker. It was just beautiful.

I will check to see if we can find a blog for John.

Wendi said...

I enjoyed seeing you and your sweet Mama on Saturday. It was a great program.
I am glad to hear Grant is doing well. I hope he stays well after your visit to that SICK Steelman house...yikes!!!
Good luck with the Dex week!