Sunday, March 1, 2009


Grant has had a cold all week and ended up in the ER last night with a fever. His ANC was fine, so we did a bag of IV antibiotics and were able to come home. He was having some wheezing, but his chest x-ray looked fine. We've been doing nebulizer treatments all day and the fever seems to be gone. So, we are just on close watch.....

Grant is scheduled for is monthly clinic visit and spinal tap on Tuesday at UNC, so his Dr.s will have a chance to look him over then. His WBC (white blood cell) count was a little high, but Dr. Davis said that we shouldn't worry. Easier said than done, right....?! So, we're probably dealing with something viral again. Carteret General did blood cultures, so we will wait to see if anything grows.

Until then, we are taking it easy and trying to stay out of the windy, rainy, cold weather! What is up with this weather??? 70 degrees on Thursday and Friday and now this! I even heard talk of the "S" word..... I can't handle any more SNOW!


Susan Hancock said...

Got your candles and generator ready for the evening?? Just remember another March 1 storm where we were not supposed to have but a couple of inches... I think we got somewhere around 30 inches overnight.

It's the truth.

Hope Grant stays feverless tonight.

He's a good boy.

Anonymous said...

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I hope Grant starts feeling better soon.


Joel said...

If Lauren and I go to Florida, I think the Nelsons should follow.

Year-round summer, sunshine, and baseball...

Lauren said...

I hope Grant is feeling better today. He is one strong lil fellar and he's got some strong parents too! I think yall should definitely go to Florida with us if we go :-)