Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Home from the clinic!

We are home from our monthly trip to UNC. We had a short visit and were happy to see some of our old friends and make some new. It always is hard to meet people who are just beginning this journey. It takes me back.... But, I am always reminded of how far we have come and how much Grant has been able to accomplish in the past year, and I think to myself again... We really can do hard things!

We saw John today. He was diagnosed shortly after Grant and has had a really rough time. Anyway, John had low counts today so his chemo was delayed until next week, but he is starting Maintenance next week! This is so awesome! John's mom asked me - "What is Maintenance?" and I was so happy to tell her, "almost normal life!" It was wonderful to visit with them for a while. John had graduation practice this afternoon so he was going home to take a nap and get ready. That was just the best news ever!

I will update more later.... I'm off to dance dress rehearsal followed by all-star softball practice....I am a soccer mom, hear me roar!


Anonymous said...

Hey Em... How many dresses did you pick up? ;)

i'm sure you had all kinds of leisurely time to just shop around. i am also quite certain both of your boys would have loved to shop for dresses.

Wendi said...

I am hearing your roar!

I am glad all continues to go well for Grant!

you HAVE done hard things!!!

Have a great week (maybe a cooler, slower one!)