Friday, January 11, 2008


I just wrote a huge entry and lost it! I think I'll go cry.....

I will post again later after I have recovered!

The gist of it.....

Grant is good - likes school - is dressed up like a penguin today!

Jake is wild - has 3 cavities!

Eden loves to go home with girlfriends - hangs out with Pa a lot!

No Morris baby yet! Charlie James is due today and we are ready for him to join this crazy family!

OK - much less eloquent than before, but basically the same!

I think I'll go drink a Mt. Dew!


Susan Hancock said...

Will you please post a picture of Grant as a penguin?? His class is watching "Happy Feet" today, and the whole class dressed like penguins.

We are waiting with baited breathe for Joella to go into labor. All of the children are so excited about having another little boy join the throng of babies! It will be out 12th in 8 years. Oh what joy they all bring to us.

Grant has been doing very well for the past week. He's on daily meds, but adjusting well (with the exception of the dexamethasone- we hope that a replacement drug can be found for the dex- it makes him almost psychotic... no fun at all.)

Alright- love to you all. To my family... you (each and every last one) are my sunshine.

Susan Hancock said...

Hey Em- I found your post... wonders of the internet! So, now we've got the full version. Love it.

Lauren said...

I would also like to see Grant the penguin! Glad he is adjusting to the meds! Just wanted you to know I made a blog but I don't know how to add friends yet.

Anonymous said...

Emily, Thanks for the post. I feel almost normal now. I always feel like I am the only one with the frustration and craziness. It is reassuring that others have days that are not perfect either.(Of course you are due a few perfect ones!)
I have started a blog(you inspired me!)

Check it out and have a few laughs with us!

We are excited to hear of Grant's good news. Please post pictures of the "Super Penguin"... the kids are anxious to see them. Good days ahead!

Be sure to let us know when the Morris baby arrives. Let Joella know how great she must look- Chad did not even know she was pregnant!

Much love and prayers,
Chad, Wendi, Chase, Claire and Cole

Kristi McKinney said...

Glad to hear that everyone is doing good and that Grant is enjoying school.

Tell everyone at the clinic that the McKinneys said Hello. And tell Ms. Cindy we miss her. We miss everyone, but Ms. Cindy just made our trips bearable (sp). I miss seeing them all and hope to some day get the strength up enough to stop by and visit with them all.

Take care


Anika said...

I do that all the time Emily! I even deleted my blog on accident once when my computer froze while I was changing settings. It was awesome. I'm glad Grant is doing better! Love, Anika