Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday morning

Well, those ANC numbers just refuse to go up. The doctors say it will be at least Monday before they will let Grant come home. Then he's scheduled to begin the next round of treatment on Tuesday which also involves staying the hospital for 2 days. Bottom line- ain't going nowhere yet.

Give Em a call if you have a moment. They are pretty weary today. 919-966-4335. The cell phones don't get much signal in the hospital so if you try her cell, she probably will not get a ring.

Love to you all. Thanks for all the prayers.


Anonymous said...

Em, just wanted to let you know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers. I hope that Grant gets to go home soon!! I love you guys. ~Megan

Emily said...

Is that you, Megan Rochelle??? It is so good to hear from you!!! I miss you! Congratulations on your new marriage. Come visit soon! Maybe we will be both be on the island again one day....

Megan said...

It is me!! I sure hope that we can both get to the island really soon!! I started to put Meggie so that you would know it was me!!