Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Finally, pictures! These are a few from Grant's recent hospital stay.

At the top - hanging out with Eden and Jake!

2nd - playing Match with Dr. Romano. We love Dr. Romano!

3rd- Grant's favorite OR nurse, Philly, who was so sweet to come and visit us on her day off!

Finally - Superman in 3D shades! Our new favorite movie is "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl"! Its in 3D, so the glasses come in handy!

Its been another busy week for us. Eden is enjoying being back at school. I will begin piano and voice lessons at Crystal Coast School of the Arts again today. Grant will do his first day of Kindergarten on Thursday, followed by a clinic visit on Friday! Next week, Grant will start school full time and also start art classes at CCSA! His is a happy boy!

Our wonderful news of the week is that Kyle, my brother in law, Aly's husband, received passing scores from his NC Bar exam, so he is an official lawyer in practice!! Many congratulations to the Dart family from the Nelsons! We are so excited!

I will post school pictures later in the week. Until then....


Susan Hancock said...

Sure do like the pictures. No one would guess the fun that was going on with Edie and Jake both there.

Love you Boo Boo.

Mikal said...

Love the picture with the 3-D shades!