We talk alot about Grant's counts- especially his ANC or his absolute neutrophil count. I found a nice definition on one of the cancer sites, so you can get an idea of this "counts" stuff! We're alot smarter now than we were a few months ago...
Definition of Absolute neutrophil count
Absolute neutrophil count: The real number of white blood cells (WBCs) that are neutrophils. The absolute neutrophil count is commonly called the ANC.
The ANC is not measured directly. It is derived by multiplying the WBC count times the percent of neutrophils in the differential WBC count. The percent of neutrophils consists of the segmented (fully mature) neutrophils) + the bands (almost mature neutrophils). The normal range for the ANC = 1.5 to 8.0 (1,500 to 8,000/mm3).
Sample calculation of the ANC:
WBC count: 6,000 cells/mm3 of blood
Segs: 30% of the WBCs
Bands: 3% of the WBCs
Neutrophils (segs + bands): 33% of the WBCs
ANC: 33% X 6,000 = 2,000/mm3
ANC of 2,000/mm3, by convention = 2.0
Normal range: 1.5 to 8.0 (1,500 to 8,000/mm3)
Interpretation: Normal
Neutrophils are key components in the system of defense against infection. An absence or scarcity of neutrophils (a condition called neutropenia) makes a person vulnerable to infection. After chemotherapy, radiation, or a blood or marrow transplant, the ANC is usually depressed and then slowly rises, reflecting the fact that the bone marrow is recovering and new blood cells are beginning to grow and mature.
In practical clinical terms, a normal ANC is 1.5 or higher; a "safe" ANC is 500-1500; a low ANC is less than 500. A safe ANC means that the patient's activities do not need to be restricted (on the basis of the ANC).
Now- I bet you feel smarter too! Grant is doing fine since getting home on Monday. He is scheduled to begin the next round of chemo next week, if his "counts" are high enough. His ANC needs to be .75, when he left the hospital it was .2, so we hope his bones are producing some fine marrow that is growing like it should.
Emily's sister, Joella, found out Tuesday she is having a baby boy. That will be 2 girls and 2 boys for Joella and James. They are so thrilled! It's always a miracle to be able to watch that little baby living inside Joella move around, wiggle his fingers... oh me, how wonderful!! So, it's been a fine week. My sweet Mike is flying into Raleigh this evening after his summer at BYU studying Thai. We've missed him around here lots and lots. We'll report later, bye for now!