Thursday, September 20, 2007

Is it already Thursday?

Wow! Life is passing by "speedy quick" these days! I can't believe that it is already time for another UNC trip. We will leave this evening after I finish piano lessons. Grant will do a spinal and bone marrow in clinic tomorrow morning, and then we will head back home!

Grant has had a good week at school. He has stayed for the whole day several times, and is beginning to get into the routine of things! He is at home today so we can do his blood work and get counts before clinic. Grandma is going to Chapel Hill with us this week and he is looking forward to some quality time with his personal Santa Clause!

Jacob has had an ear infection this week. He doesn't seem to mind, however. It hasn't slowed him down very much by any means!

Eden is looking forward to cheerleading today! They are learning their dance routine this week and she is all excited about being a hip-hop dancer! She cracks me up!

I will post more after our trip! We should get our calendar for Delayed Intensification tomorrow. The end (of the weekly trips) is in sight...........

1 comment:

Susan Hancock said...

Yesterday is a day to forget. Nothing went quite as hoped- the spinal tap was laborious, nevertheless, all was accomplished as scheduled.

Emily usually sings to Grant to calm him before and during the procedures- usually a few songs. But things took longer than usual, and the doctors and nurses who were attending Grant said that they really enjoyed Emily's "concert" of songs that 5 year old boys really like! She's become a favorite at the clinic.

The best part of the day was that eventually it did end!

Anyhow, Grant seems to be feeling much better than yesterday. He's a trooper.