Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Hi, everyone! We are back and home and enjoying life as normal at the moment. Our trip to the clinic was a rough one last week. Grant evidently is a hard kid to get "under" without full sedation! He had as much Fentanyl as possible, but still never went to sleep. So, we did the procedure awake!!! AAAHHHGGG! He actually did great - not nearly as bad as Eden at the dentist!

Unfortunately, the Fentanyl left him "hung over" for several days, so it was a long weekend. Finally, on Sunday, he took a 5 hour nap, and still went to bed at 10 pm, so he felt a lot better on Monday!

This picture was taken Monday afternoon while doing homework. Grant was teaching his classroom pet, Care Cat how to color! They had a great time!

We will visit the clinic again next Tuesday for our last visit in Interim Maintenance. Delayed Intensification is our next hurdle! The steroids will return for a while - as will a preoccupation with tacos and grilled cheese sandwiches, I'm afraid! A small price to pay, I guess!

Please remember our friend Michael McKinney this week. He is finishing radiation and beginning another round of chemotherapy. Michael is really sick right now. Please pray for him and his family. They will be having a fundraiser on October 20th and are currently selling t-shirts to help with hospital expenses. Click on Michael's link on our page for more information. I will post more as the fundraiser gets closer!

The coolest news of the week is that Mother Teresa and her benefactor (aka my ma and pa) purchased me a ticket to fly to San Diego for my friend Kelly's wedding in October! I will be flying out with another friend, Nina, and am just so excited!!!! We will only be gone for a couple of days, but I am looking forward to a little vacation! Kelly is a faithful watcher of Grant's blog and one of my and Kevin's very best friends, so I am thrilled to be with her on her very special day! I will be sure to post pictures!

That's about all for tonight! I'll post again soon!


Anonymous said...

Grant looks really good in this picture. I am sooooo excited for you that you get a little vacation! Parents are the best! I couldn't help but smile when I read your post. If it wasn't for Daddy money bags (my dad) I would seldom see me family. Oh what parents do to know there children and love their grandbabies. Have a great week, Stephanie Howard

Anonymous said...

I am so tickled pink I just can't express it in words! Not only is Grant feeling better this week than last, but my buddy Emmy-Boo is taking a flight to the other side of the country for my wedding!
I'm so honored my friend would take time out of her hectic life for the visit. Can't wait to see you Em!

Joella Hancock Morris said...

I want to come, too!