Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Best Birthday Present Ever!

I will post pictures from the birthday bash soon...... A good time was had by all! Thanks so much for all of the gifts and cards! Grant is one lucky fella!

Today, Kevin and Grant did the Chapel Hill Birthday Chemo Trip! It was quite an uneventful trip.... good blood counts, no spinal tap this time! And the best news of all....... The powers that be have decided to change the protocol for Grant's clinical trial and have dropped the Dex! NO MORE DEX! Can you hear me singing!!!!!! This is just the best news ever! We will still do steroids for 5 days a month, but will get to do Prednisone instead of Dexamethazone! Hopefully we will have a much easier go of things from now on! I can't tell you how good this news is!

I will post more birthday stuff soon!


Wendi said...

That is seriously the best news ever...just the best! I am so happy for Grant and for your whole family. God does hear and answer prayers... this I know. Have a fabulous week and a wonderful wedding weekend.

Joella Hancock Morris said...

Woo Hoo!!! O Happy Day!!!

Susan Hancock said...

Words just seem so inadequate...... FABULOUS TERRIFIC OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD just the best news of the week.... HAHAHAHAHA! It doesn't take much.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Grant!