Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Silly Hat Day

Smyrna is just outdoing itself with its fund raising this year. This was the kick-off for Silly Hat Day! from left to right... Jacy, Madison, Grant, Harrison & Kyler We love you guys!

We had a fun weekend at the Survivor Dinner. What I thought was going to be a 15 minute session of me playing dinner music turned into a 15 minute performance! Like, it was written in the program and everything! Aaaaggghhhh! Carrie and Dave Stroud were with us and thought that this was very funny! Anyway - thanks to some wonderful help from sweet Vanessa and Natalie Chazal, we brought down the house with our tunes! It really was a good time, although my nerves are still shot a little from the whole experience!

This week is busy for us... We did the dentist with Grant and Eden today which necessitated blood work on Monday. Thankfully, Grant's blood counts were as normal as they have been in the whole last year. ANC 2.2 !!!!! Holy Cow! Hemoglobin was great and platelets were off the chart! What a relief. I still have total anxiety attacks while we wait for his numbers to come back. It only takes a few minutes, but I still find a way to nearly lose my mind in those few minutes. I need a vacation!

Not happening any time soon though!

Later this week... Father Son Camp-out of Friday night. Kevin will get the joy of sleeping in the woods with the boys while Eden and I spend the evening choreographing a 12 minute medley of music from "Hairspray" at CCSA. This hopefully will be perfectly wonderful and everyone will learn their parts because this is our one and only rehearsal and will run 5 hours! I shall die! I'm not as young as I once was!

Friday evening, Joel Jr. will also have his Economics Departmental graduation from ECU. He is very excited to be graduating with honors and at the top of his class! Smarty pants!

Saturday we will have Grant's birthday party since he will be in Chapel Hill on Wednesday - the actually day of his birthday - doing a little chemo! What could be more fun that chemo and starting a round of steroids for your birthday! Well maybe, walking in the Relay for Life 3 days into the steroids, or going to my brother's wedding 4 days into steroids!

Could life be any more confusing.....


I'll tell you more later!


stephanie howard said...
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stephanie howard said...
Breathe girl, breathe! When May is over you will feel like your on vacation. Oh wait... then you will have all the end of school stuff. Busy, busy, busy, dance the dance, isn't that what they say? Every week I tell myself if I can just get past next week, or this project or that life will slow down. For some reason it hasn't happened yet, and it looks like the same for you. Keep up the good work and it will all work out. See ya soon:-)

Wendi said...

Love the silly hats!

I am sure you were "All That" at the Survivor Dinner.

Yay for the blood counts, ANC, Hemoglobin and platelets!
Great news!

Can I send my boys to sleep in the woods with your boys?
I promise it would be good times!

I know every word to the entire "Hairspray" musical.
Not by choice...Claire plays it on a daily basis. I can't sing or play the piano so ...I can offer you NOTHING!

Yay for Joel! I have tried to read his blog a few times...I desperately needed a translator. (LOL)

We are trying to make arrangements to get to the partay! The kids really want to come. I will let you know tomorrow. What can I do to help besides bring a truck load of food?

I tried to comment on each of your paragraphs...Thanks for the updates!

Wendi said...

Thanks so much for including us in your family festivities Saturday night! We had such a great time! We love your family so much! Let's get together again soon!