This afternoon is a travel day to Chapel Hill for Grant. He will have an early appointment tomorrow morning at the clinic. Last week went very smoothly- he was accessed by home health on Monday, then to Chapel Hill for the Tuesday routine. Grant is such a fine little patient! He had his spinal, lumbar puncture and six hours of iv's. The clinic was once again very full, so I took a short trip to a mall during the rush hour on the second floor of the clinic.
Each trip there are new faces and new stories. The hardest part of this trip was meeting a young couple with a 3 month old little boy who is very sick. He had to have his chest catheter cleaned and reworked- the little feller cried for about half an hour while his mama and daddy stood beside him trying to comfort him. The nurses had to hold him down, and they came out of the room crying because of the compassion they felt for this young family in crisis.
We know the staff at the clinic very well now. Never a finer group of doctors, nurses and staff could be found. We are so grateful for their skills and for their sweet dispositions.
A couple of weeks ago Grant was feeling a bit grouchy. He was achy, so I told him I thought he could enjoy a whirlpool bath in my bathtub. Wow. We struck gold! He loved the rushing water around his swollen knees and sore back! I had to get a couple of pictures of the event.
We'll post an update later this week. Grant has a couple of weeks left of delayed intensification before reaching the "Maintenance" phase. He'll be accessed this morning by home health, and will keep his port accessed until Friday again to have additional chemo at home. He did this last week, and by Friday he was ready to "get the needle out" as he says. The Ara-C chemo from last week took his Fuzzy Wuzzy hair out in less than 24 hours, so Grant is sporting the Yul Brenner bald-is-beautiful head. Doesn't seem to bother him at all!
Thanks again for your love and support. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did, and our prayers always give thanks that Grant is making continued progress.
Thank you for posting an update! I tried twice yesterday to write something, but was foiled in my attempts by my crazy children!
I am so glad that Grant is doing GREAT! I keep you all in my prayers. Can I sign up for one of those whirlpool baths!! It might be just what I need to bring me out of the kinks:)
It's good to hear that Grant is doing good. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
"Never a finer group of doctors, nurses and staff could be found." I will SECOND, THIRD & FOUTH that! I miss them all - they were so much apart of our lives last year. One day, I will get up the strength to go a visit them and tell them just how much they all mean to me and my family! We still hear from Dr. Blatt - she checks up on us all to see how we are doing. NONE FINER!
Love in Christ,
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